More about the birds

Monday, December 17, 2012


Hello all,

I know many of you have had heard about the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newton, Connecticut, but for those of you who have not, it was one of the saddest things I've heard of. I won't go into detail about it, as I'm sure you can find it easily on any news site, but there was a shooting by a 20 year old boy, who killed 26 people and unfortunately, 20 of them were children under the age of six. There are truly no words for this kind of sadness. When I heard about it I was at work surrounded by my sweet darlings under the age of three. I immediately thought of them in that classroom...of me in that classroom. It was a very sad day and I pray that if you are a parent or have anyone you love that you hold them close and value every moment.

My sincere prayers go out to all of those families that were affected by this tragedy and hope that God can bring comfort and, eventually, healing. I echo the sentiments of this extremely beautiful interview with Robbie Parker, father of one of the little girls.We truly need to pray for the family of the man that committed this crime. They must be absolutely devastated and probably feel such a weight and even a responsibility for it all. They need healing too. The 20-year-old man that did this needed healing, and instead he turned to destruction, murder, and such devastation of other families. It's awful.

In light of this tragedy, let's do our part to be compassionate to others, love others, help others and comfort others. Life is too short to waste it on anger and hurt feelings. Let's deal with each other like we'd want to be dealt with. In love.

Hug your loved ones today...give them an extra hug and kiss. It's a beautiful day to be thankful.


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