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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Swept under

Have you ever had one of those days where you just feel swept under all your stresses and worries?
It is generally known as an unpleasant feeling. 
I have felt like this, especially with going back to school and trying to keep my head above water with work and ministry and other such things. It can be a lot! You feel like you will break if you bend any more

But that's when G-D comes in.

Instead of being swept under the craziness of life, G-D wants us to be swept under His love.
I know it may be hard to imagine sometimes, but G-D is not this intimidating thing that looms over us. He is a loving, caring, passionate Daddy. It has taken me a while to become comfortable with that, because I never grew up with a dad, so I don't quite understand that dynamic. But, G-D has been so patient and loving with me and teaches me all the time that He loves me and loves to take care of me. I just have to let Him do it.

I know I'm not the only one out there that feels overwhelmed at times. So for those moments when you feel like you just can't do it anymore, remember that G-D sees and knows where you are and will come to the rescue, just like a father.
"You number my wanderings;
Put my tears into Your bottle; Are they not in Your book?
When I cry out to You, then my enemies will turn back;
This I know, because God is for me....
In God I have put my trust; I will not be afraid.
What can man do to me?"
Psalm 56:8-11
He is for you! Your enemies, whether it is physical, emotional or mental, HAVE to turn back when G-D does them to STOP. Call on the L-RD, on your heavenly Daddy. Let Him know what is going on...He WILL deliver you and He will stay by your side during it all. There is always grace in the wilderness. Always a stream in the desert. Always a light in the darkness. He never leaves us without hope! There's always an opportunity for us to be swept under His love. Think of the book of Exodus. The Israelites probably thought, "man, this is it for us! G-D has brought us into a trap by leading us into the Red Sea!" But, we have the luxury of knowing that that was not the end of the story! He parted it for them and they walked on DRY GROUND. The people of Israel looked at the physical circumstance and saw no hope. But, G-D proved not only that He is mighty and glorious, but that He can and will deliver us from each and every situation that threatens us, no matter how dire it may seem.It happened folks. I believe G-D still works those miracles today. 
 "Moses answered the people, 'Do not be afraid.
Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today.
The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.' " Exodus 14:13
Whatever Read Sea you may have come to, whatever dark wave may be threatening to sweep you under. Know that if you call on G-D, He WILL come through.

He never fails. He never delays. He never abandons. 

1 comment:

  1. inspiring post... it is hard not to feel overwelmed by life sometimes. taking the time to be grateful is important. I have started a photo challenge just for that reason. A moment each week to stop, breath and be thankful. I would love you to join me!


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