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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Out of the Frying-Pan and into the Fire

     Have you ever felt like you have just narrowly escaped a bad situation, only to enter an even more unpleasant one? If you are human, then you more than likely have and it is probably the most common situation we experience. Not because life is horrible and there is no hope, but because we live in a very old world that sin has aged even more so, and no amount of "going green" will save it, until Yeshua (Jesus) comes back. He said in His word that "in the world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33 Well, that's good news right? YES! I am so thankful my Messiah took the punishment for me and gave me a way to get to the Father! But what happens when it feels like we've gotten out of the frying-pan and into the fire?

     Recently, I started reading the Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien. It's an excellent book, and The L-RD really spoke to me through it. Bilbo, quite unexpectedly, has adventure and trouble thrust upon him by Gandalf and his band of dwarves and from about page 5 onward, you watch Bilbo and friends constantly go from the frying-pan to the fire a good many times. Each time Bilbo thinks he's done for, somehow, he is rescued or finds strength to rescue himself. But, it is always right when he feels he can't take it anymore. Like Bilbo, I have felt that in life sometimes I'm about to be done for. I'm not exactly being chased by goblins or wolves, but the trials of everyday life surmount so high sometimes, that I feel like I will either collapse or explode. It's not easy to trust what you can't see, and it's not easy to have faith when you feel like nothing will change. However, that's what makes faith what it is. It's to believe that, just like every time before, G-D will make a way out especially when you cannot see how. In these dark times when we struggle, flesh versus spirit, and cannot keep worry from clinging to our already bowed backs, it is G-D who runs in and defeats the enemy. He may not destroy what ails us, He may not take it away immediately, but, He will give us the grace to keep going and sharpen us through it, so that when the trial is over we are made stronger.

     Charles Spurgeon said something about faith that I'll never forget and will forever see when I think of it:
"So Faith rides forth on the black horse, conquering and to conquer, trampling down carnal reason and fleshly sense, and chanting notes of victory amid the thickest of the fray."

So when you are next feeling as if you have been tossed from one trial to another, remember that G-D will get you through and get you out, and faith is not just a passive thing, it is an action that you can fight the enemy with and never fail.


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